
10. September 2021

Improvements for public transport users

In the coming semester, the StuRa will be looking at how the current situation of students who are dependent on public transport can be improved.

The Student Council of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences does not currently provide students with a semester ticket. In the past, this topic has been discussed several times within the StuRa and the student body. The last attempt to introduce a jointly financed semester ticket took place in the summer semester of 2017, but failed. In recent months, a lot has changed in the situation of local public transport in the districts of Görlitz and Bautzen. As of 31.08.2021, the ZVON ("Zweckverband Verkehrsverbund Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien") will no longer offer the discounted "Flexx Solo" season ticket. Until this date, this ticket was the only financially viable option for all students at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences who are dependent on public transport. At the time, the ticket was available for EUR 21.00/month. The ticket allowed the use of all means of transportation within the ZVON for weekdays from 12 noon and all day on weekends and during school vacations.

Currently, the only remaining and financially viable option for students at the HSZG is the discounted monthly subscription ticket with "Flexx option". This offer has a minimum term of one year and costs EUR 27.00 per month. The options offered by the ticket are almost identical to the "Flexx-Solo" ticket, which is no longer available. The only difference is that this ticket allows you to use public transport in a city transport area of your choice all day, not just after 12 noon.

It should be noted that students at Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences are currently in a much worse position when it comes to using public transport. From a financial, organizational and price/performance perspective, the discounted monthly season ticket performs significantly worse than the semester tickets of colleges and universities in the immediate vicinity of the HSZG.

As the Student Council, we are therefore currently looking at how the current situation can be improved. However, a solution to the problem is not expected until the summer semester 2022 at the earliest. Until then, we recommend that you use the discounted monthly season ticket with Flexx option. If you have any further questions or would like to get personally involved in the improvement process, please get in touch with us!