We are introducing the Deutschland-Semesterticket at the university for the winter semester 2024/25.
You can find all the information here.
The Student Council of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is offering HSZG students a semester ticket from winter semester 2022/23. In a ballot held in the winter semester 2021/22, the introduction of a semester ticket was approved by a broad majority of the student body.
The semester ticket price in the winter semester 2024/25 and summer semester 2025 is EUR 176.40 in each case. The student body fee has been increased accordingly by the amount of the semester ticket price. Payment is made as usual via re-registration.
Exemptions from the semester ticket are only provided for the degree courses Social Gerontology, Business German-Polish Translation, WTÖb, WTÖm, WUÖb and WGÖb. The reason for this is that students on these (distance learning) courses only spend a very small part of the semester in Görlitz or Zittau.
Refunds, on the other hand, are possible regardless of the course of study, provided certain conditions are met:
All detailed information on refunds can be found in the fee regulations.
A processing fee of €5.00 will be charged for rejected applications.
We offer a hardship procedure for students in particularly serious social and economic emergencies. All detailed information on the hardship procedure can be found in the hardship regulations.
The refund and hardship procedures are refund procedures. For this reason, the semester fee must first be paid in full. An exception to this is the provisional hardship case approval, in which case the Student Council advances the semester ticket portion of the student body fee and pays this directly to the Admissions Office. This is helpful for students who are unable to pay the full semester fee during the re-registration period. This method is only used if all other options have been exhausted (e.g. paying the semester fee in installments).
Please send inquiries by email or applications for refunds or hardship cases to semesterticket(at)hszg.de!
We ask for your understanding that we will only make refunds for the reasons stated above. The semester ticket is a solidarity model that can basically be used by all students. In order to be able to offer it at all, it has to be paid for by the majority of students. And if you don't need it to get to the university, you can still use it for environmentally friendly weekend excursions in the surrounding area. You can find tips for this below.
For students in special financial need, there is the possibility that the student council will cover all or part of the costs for the semester ticket. As this budget is limited, we can only support students who would otherwise not be able to continue their studies. You can find the relevant requirements in our hardship regulations.
The refund forms can be downloaded from our download area. The forms are provided in PDF format and can be filled out directly in the PDF viewer.
If you have any questions when completing your application, we will be happy to help you. Simply arrange a personal or telephone consultation. Send us an email with an appointment request to semesterticket(at)hszg.de
If you have technical problems, you can also reach us at the above address. However, we ask you to include your matriculation number.
The Deutschlandsemesterticket is a fully-fledged Deutschlandticket.
This is just a small foretaste. There are countless other suggestions at https://www.zvon.de/de/freizeit. (Please note that trips to the Czech Republic are not covered by the semester ticket).