
16. July 2024

A safespace for you

We are here for you. Whether it's about personal issues, discrimination, harassment or violence - we listen and support you discreetly and anonymously.

What do we take care of?

Our aim is not to leave you alone with your problems. We are at your side and offer support in the following areas:

  • Personal issues: If something is bothering you or you simply need someone to talk to, we are here for you.
  • Discrimination: We will help you if you experience discrimination, regardless of whether it is due to your gender, origin, sexual orientation or other reasons.
  • Harassment or violence: If you are the victim of harassment or violence, we will stand by you and offer you the support you need.


What about anonymity?

Your concerns will be treated anonymously and confidentially without exception. Your problems and concerns will remain between us, unless you expressly request otherwise. Anonymity and confidentiality are of the utmost importance to us in order to give you the security of being able to talk openly about your problems.


Who do I write to?

Our Safe Space staff Annika, Viktoria and Miriam are there for you. They are committed members of the Student Council and are always ready to listen to your concerns and problems. Your messages in the Safe Space will only be read and processed by them, so your concerns are in safe hands.


How can you reach us?

You can reach us at any time by e-mail:



We are your discreet and secure point of contact for problems and concerns. No matter what's bothering you - write to us and we'll help you as best we can.